Dustin Coates in Alexa

Alexa Skills Kit BodyTemplate 7

Use it for full-width background images

Amazon has added a new template for use on the Echo Show and Echo Spot: BodyTemplate7 to join the other display templates we’ve already seen. BodyTemplate7 is all about images: there’s a foreground image, a background image, and not much more.


  • Header Text (required)
  • Foreground image (required)
  • Background image (optional)

BodyTemplate7 displays a full width image in the foreground that scales depending on the screen. For example, a large image on the Echo Show, and a much smaller image on the Echo Spot. The foreground image could have a transparent packground, showing the background or backgound image to show through.

Want to learn more about the display templates? “Check out the original post”::/template-builders-alexa-skills-kit.